Trying for 2nd baby
Hi mummies How to get pregnant again. Planning for 2nd baby. Within 5 months still no good news 😔 i am 36. My baby is 11 months. Name folic acid i took hubby took supplements track ovulation all did period is regular. I wonder what is wrong . Yes i plan to get pregnant ever since April n before my baby turns 1 . But it didnt work out.

I think there's alot of factors and I totally understand how u feel. I'm 34 but I had 2 miscarriages last yr when we tried for number 2. I nvr thought it be tt hard to conceive since we conceived our firstborn soon aft our first attempt and it was a smooth pregnancy in 2020. As we age, our fertility is affected. Some more coupled with tiredness or stress frm work and taking care of our firstborn, tt cld contribute to it even though we may not feel it tt much. After trying for 1 year with 2 miscarriages, I finally managed to go through this pregnancy and am 7 months pregnant now. For this pregnancy I made sure tt I went to my doc as soon as my kit turns positive and my gynae gave me meds to strengthen the pregnancy. Don't give up, keep on trying. Continue with ur supplements mainly folic also a healthy diet. Try not to stress over it. For me, I never expect to conceive during the time just before my MIL passed away early this year. It was a period of mourning yet we discovered a new life too. Sometimes, the good things come when u least expect it so have faith. But do have regular checks with your gynae if u still have difficulties after 1 year.
Read morePeriod regular doesn’t guarantee that you have ovulated every month regularly too. Sometimes there can be blood shedding only from the uterine lining but you may not have ovulated (egg release from follicle) If you’re really pressed for time due to age concerns, perhaps get fertility check for both yourself and husband just to eliminate any possibility of any cysts or fibroids or other unexpected factors arising. Also, make sure you do the deed every other day during your fertility window (usually 1 week from LH surge) to maximize chance of conception.
Read moreHello! Did you use ovulation prediction kit to track your peak in ovulation? I like the clearblue brand! It worked for me! Sometimes your body can also feel the stress in wanting to conceive. So give yourself some time to try without thinking about conceiving. I conceived my number 2 when my hub n I weren’t deliberate in trying. If after trying for 6months to 1 year with no avail, can go for checks. Your body will conceive when you’re most relax. Jiayou mummy!
Read moregetting pregnant is really not easy for everyone. me and my husband have no prob and even went for fertility check. we tried for 5 yrs since im 30 yo but to no avail. in the end we have to go thru ivf. so young doesnt mean can conceive easily. now u are 36, fertility would be greatly affected and even harder to conceive. be patient and if you really can't wait, then go for a check. if u really really want a 2nd child, try IVF.
Read moreHi, for a healthy lady to conceive, itll take roughly 6 months to 1 year. Altho some conceived earlier. Dont be disheartened. For me 5 months is still quite early but i understand, youre also worried about the age. Can try wet cupping during the 5th - 12th day of menstrual cycle. I believe body is still regulating.
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Excited to become a mum