Trying for 2nd baby
Isit normal for mamas that trying for 2nd baby it will take longer times to conceive? Ok im one of them. From i seen having a 2nd baby is faster.. yes using ovulation stick two dark lines. Ihave been trying for baby no2 since April 23. Sperm can live for at least 3 days.till now no đ˘ if ask about my period yes its regular. Do mamas think I should see doctor? Isthere such thing doctor can prescribe a medicine for my eggs? Im on folic acid too..

Hey mama. I think it really depends on individual. So youâve been using ovulation prediction kits since April and do the deed on the peak of surge? Have you been very stress with work or even having baby #2 lately? Stress might reduce chances of conceiving too. I rmb when I started trying for #2, it doesnât happen when I wanted it badly. And just when I donât track my ovulation etc, I conceived. Try to relax and when your body feels ready you will have baby #2. You might want to discuss with your hubby how many more months to try before seeing a Gynae to prescribe medicine? Continue to take folic acid as it is helpful for conceiving. I hope you conceive soon with a healthy baby :)
Read morejust relax and not think too much about it ok? i personally find that if you keep thinking about conceiving you're (unconsciously) putting stress on yourself. so just "make love" with your partner, not "make babies". after that, don't think too much about it, just go with the flow of things. âşď¸ its also ok to seek medical help if you feel like there's something wrong. but try the above method for a few months first ok? i hope it helps. have fun! đ
Read moreThank you dear for ur words
dont stress!! u only started trying since april and now only sep? such a short period of time u dont have to see doc yet. prob aft u tried for at least a yr then see doc. dont rush. its not easy to get pregnant to be honest. ur diet and lifestyle affects as well. i tried ttc since 28 and i have to go through ivf after 4 yrs without success. u may wan to try tcm first which i think it helps me to conceive via ivf during 3rd try.
Read moreThank you ao so much could be i stress
They say a healthy person will usually conceive within a year. I think 5 months still too early to say anything. And yes doctor can give you medication for ovulation, i forgot what its called but itll make your eggs mature.
Thank you
Dun stress. Try Lift your butt up after to let sperm flow in. Hehe
Forgot to input im a SAHM. stress just at home? Maybe.
Excited to become a mum