Trying For Another baby

Hi . Im trying to have another baby .. But my menses is still not here ever since i gave birth to my son a year ago .. its hard to track my ovulation days since theres no period as my period used to be regular before i had my son any mummies experience this? 😅

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i was trying to conceived last year but i was still breast feeding eventhough i had my menses but my LH didnt return.. it might be due to breast feeding.

3y ago

my sis in law (doctor) advice, change ur breast feeding pattern (not so vigorous to low frequency) , exercise and diet. Sometimes when we least expect it , it will come true. I also didnt plan for my boy, it just happen. lol

You gotta stop breast feeding in order to try for another baby! Some women dont get menses while breastfeeding so you have gotta stop lor!

3y ago

i see. thanks for th reply 😄

u still breastfeeding ?

3y ago

yes ..