Changing KKH to a private Gynae
Hi, any mummies has done this before? I am 18weeks and thought of changing my gynae. I heard from the private Gynae that they require my report from KKH. However, I went to the website to retrieve the gynae report but there is no right option. Anyone has experience in this? Thank you

Approach the admin counter and ask for your medical reports to be transferred over to your preferred hospital. Pls also get a copy of all your reports and scans and whatever nots in case the internal transfer is unsuccessful. There may be a fee to retrieve all medical reports and may also take a while so you might want to be prepared for all that. My friend switched from KKH to PEH and when she asked the counter to transfer all her medical reports, they said they would do it internally however it didn’t turn out that way and she had to frantically get her reports at the last min. So be sure you make yourself clear about this with KKH admin or preferably your KKH doc. All of them say different things, it’s frustrating.
Read moreI changed to private at 26/27 weeks. my private gynae didn't request for the report. only blood test which can be found on health buddy app. if your private gynae needs report, you have to call kkh hotline. not sure how long will it take for them to retrieve it for you.
U have every right to retrieve. I did exactly that. It took longer though... typical of KKH. But definitely should change to private. The docs in KKH unfortunately lack feelings and treat most patients as if they are robots.
I am also experiencing the same thing - switching from KKH to private. I am keeping my appt with the KKH one last time so that I can ask the doctor for all the test results and reports. Maybe you can try that too
I am not sure. but i could remember my friend once did it. pls check with customer care counter