Attend wedding
Hello mummies. Has any of you attended wedding during pregnancy? Is it ok to attend during week 18 pregnancy? Please advise..

They said preggy is more 'ong' than bride. So check with the bride is she ok! Prevent the morning when groom comes to pick wife and meet the wife directly before that. Some said put a red string on the belly! Well, go if you feel comfort!! You might feel good to talk with your friends there too.

Depends on how pantang you or your family are. I was told to try to avoid unless super close friends 😅
As long as you are fit and healthy I think is okay to attend wedding
It’s fine unless the wedding party pantang
Yes I’ve attended quite a few
I attended. Totally fine
yes sure why not :)
Of course. Why Not?
Yes. But not wake.
Yes it’s fine.