Can’t sleep at night
Hello mummies currently at my first trimester going to second trimester I couldn’t sleep at night until 4 am like that and I’m wondering if any of this happen to anyone before during first trimester

Sleep patterns differ for each individual. I was very tired and slept early abt 9pm then woke up abt 2am to use the washroom. Stay awake until 4am then doze off again.
It’s different for individuals. For myself, I keep falling asleep. But there certain days I can’t sleep well and gynae always told me its due to hormones.
normal to me I sleep quite late even I'm tired n sleepy if I happen to sleep early, I will still wake up at 1am and stay awake till 3-4am
Try to have a nap during the day so you won't be tired. Keep yourself entertain while awake, you will fall asleep surely.
i think its different for different people - like i couldnt sleep at night but sleep well in the day.
I was like that in my 1st trimester.. Sleep a lot in the daytime & can’t sleep at night..
I can hardly sleep at night so I sleep during morning or afternoon.