My daughter is 1mth old and she's having colic period. She's having restless sleeps and wakes up every hour asking for milk or swaddle her back to sleep, my husband and I having sleepless night. What can we do to and how long will this colic will last?#pleasehelp #advicepls #1stimemom #firstbaby
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I'm 38 weeks pregnant and I don't feel hungry and i can go for hours without consuming food or water. But I did threw up Acid reflux from time to time. Even if i do eat, I don't feel full or felt there's no food in my stomach to digest. I do have a few headache and body pain(Baby stretching). What can I do to change this? #pleasehelp #1stimemom #firstbaby #advicepls
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I have been having heartburn everytime after a light meal. I'm no longer able to have a heavy meal like 3 times a day based on my doctor's advise I should split it to 5 smaller meals. I'm currently 8mth pregnant and my heart burn has been giving difficulty breathing and consuming meals like meat or rice. I had to puke everytime my heartburn cant settle down after 30mins. I'm losing weight as well. I used to have hyperemesis during my 1st and 2nd trimester but was treated previously with steroid. Medication sometimes doesn't work well for the heartburn. #pleasehelp #firstbaby #advicepls
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