severe upper back pain

Hi mummies. Currently 8 weeks plus preggo and ive been having difficulty sleeping due to upper back pain. Any remedies?

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hey dear consult your gynae bc 8 weeks only n ur upper back is hurting might raise some concerns

Hey, Try using a maternity pillow. Also do consult your gynae for some medicines that can help

Maternity pillow might help! Or what I do is to stack several pillows together. Hope it helps!

VIP Member

Do consult your gynaecologist, he can prescribe some medicine take care!

Super Mum

Topical pain relief medicines? Patches or ointment Also paracetamol

Try maternity pillow, it'll give you some support

hi im feeling this way now at 7weeks . any tips?

VIP Member

Oh no, I’m thinking will yoga etc helps!

VIP Member

Warm hot water bag works well