Gain more milk supply

Hi mummies , just curious how do i gain more milk supply ? What food will boost my supply ?

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Most important for me is to drink lots of water. There's a significant difference when I only drink 1 litre vs 3 litres per day. Got much more the next morn when I drink more than 2 litres. I keep track using a 1 litre bottle and made sure I refill it 3 times in a day before I go to bed every day. And yes, pump more often. Pump aft breastfeeding even if get so little, that's normal. I'll only get less than 1 ounce if pump aft breastfeeding cz baby usually will empty one of my breasts. Sometimes, I'll pump one side while breastfeeding the other. I'll also power pump whenever I have more time typically aft midnight. Our supply is the highest between 12-5am. Take lecithin to improve milk flow. I always get plugged ducts if I don't take lecithin. I'm not an over supplier, my milk is just enough for baby but still get clogs as my milk seems to be on the thicker side. You may try Legendairy supplements too. I used to be an undetsupplier with my firstborn and those really helped to increase my supply that time. Now with my 2nd, I'm producing just enough for my baby (which is typically that way, supply likely to increase for every baby that you birth). Do eat enough too! I used to diet aft confinement for my first and tt somehow affected my milk supply too. This time round I just ensure I'm eating enough for my baby. For me eating red meat and nuts seem to increase my supply. Each person is different so do try a variety of food. For me lactation cookie/cakes don't really work and even made me gain so much so I stopped.

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1y ago

Lecithin shld only be consumed after birth. I only started ard 1.5 wks post birth when I got more engorgement and had my first episode of clog duct. Damn painful. Shld have started earlier. Best to start once your supply increase just to maintain the flow.

pump more. By pumping more, you're signalling to your body that more milk is needed,and it will increase over time. Try power pumping, as well as pumping at least once every 3 hr. can try oatmeal, though for food wise, it depends on the person

Maybe you can try those lactation cookies or consult lactation masseuse?