Some worryness and URGENT enquiry.

Hi mummies. My check up last 2 days, doctor mention my urine has protein and they are afraid that i might have preeclampsia. They asked to take blood test and urine. (2 bottles of blood and urine is to be sent urgently to the lab) They said they will call if i happen to have preeclampsia. Is preeclampsia something urgent? If yes, will they call right after getting the results? Because I check the health buddy app for my results. Took blood test at 5+pm and results were out around 7+pm. The nurse at the routine check mention i got white discharge which I think it might be infection as my vagina is itchy also. But Dr say might have protein. I dont have blurry visions or headache. My legs tend to swell if i walk or stand too long. Dr check my leg reflexes also. I AM WORRIED SICK! my BP is within range. They ask to retake BP again but after hearing the Dr says, my BP rise up abit because I WAS NERVOUS. 2nd, I might need to be induce before 39weeks as I have GDM. And i have been having bad anxiety because its my first baby. Can anyone pls pls tell me the procedure of inducing?

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preelampsia is serious..i was induced and delivered at 36 all was fine Alhamdulillah..u hv to call yr gynae n reconfirm your condition first...if u r asking abt induction, they put a pill dwn thr first to soften your cervix..den ard 3cm they will put u on drip to speed up yr labour..den waiting game la till u deliver haha

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3y ago

oh dun worry no feeling..cervix checks are horrible lol..bfr my first kid i nvr even kena warded bfr..ftm sure kanchiong cos dunno what to first kid alr i had gdm n kena pre eclampsia n kena induce n baby was preterm also..macam2 hal lol