Breast milk and formula milk
Hi all mummies. Baby is 2 months old and on fm dumex dulac. Feeling guilty for not providing bm and giving baby cheaper milk powder. Why does it seem not ok to not provide bm for baby :( Anybody doing the same and feeling the same way as i do?

Me too:( my lo is 8mo now and i still feel guilty. I was in so much pain and feeling depressed after giving birth that i didn’t put enough effort to bf. When i think about it i feel so much regret and guilt for being selfish. But seeing how my lo now so manja with me, i think its all about us finding a new way to bond. I wasn’t bf by my mum either and im still very close to her and love her vm. So i remind myself that its really FINE to not be able to BF and it will not change the fact that I AM STILL THE MOTHER. Focus on the future instead and all will be good😌
Read moreBig hugs. I wasn’t equipped with the knowledge of bm and got heavily dependent on fm since the beginning of confinement hence no supply. I feel the guilt every now and then but I tell myself that as long as baby is healthy, happy and safe then everything is fine. I figured that happy mummy happy baby. Don’t let it affect you as much since there’s anything you can change now, I rather divert all my attention to bonding and caring for baby!
Read morePlease don't feel guilty, I feel a lot of people can be quite judgemental regarding this, but as long as baby is well fed and healthy it's fine. Formula milk is a literal life saver as many mommies are unable to breastfeed so I think we should have a more open mind toward it! Breast milk has some benefits and is the preferred way but I'm sure there are plenty of reasons people are unable to and we shouldn't judge them for that.
Read morei was apart from bb for 3 days due to him hvg high fever and jaundice. he had to stay at kkh w my husband as the covid situation allows only 1 companion. i did not read much abt bf so i did not pump to regulate milk supply. i regretted it till this day. im still trying to find alternatives to regulate my bm but i still give my bb formula especially when i feel like its not enough for him. :)
Read moreIt is definitely OK to not breastfeed. Every mummy has their own reasons/preference, and shouldn’t be judged on how we decide to feed our babies. As long as baby is well-fed and getting all the nutrients they need, nothing else matters! :)