Hi Ms Kang I have been latching my lo since birth and up to date, she is reaching 14mths soon.. But however, my supply suddenly dip a lot these few days and I m not sure what is the cause of it.. Is it because she demand less? She still latch at home, to sleep n comfort too.. She does not eat a lot, b it breast milk or food... I am going overseas end of this month for a few days without her.. Im worried by the time i come back really no more milk for her.. Had tried to let her try formula but she does not like it, only take a sip or two.. Need ur advice...

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She is above one, you can try fresh milk already. My fully bf son refuse formula. So i gave him fresh milk instead. Does she go to school? When you are not around,how does she take her milk?

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8y ago

No problem! If she is ok with fresh milk, you can also consider adding some vitamins to boost immunity