Mummies can relate?

Moms to be anyone of you their edd is sept/oct and afraid whether if your child is autistic or a special need kid? What are the percentage of having special need kid? Is it normal for mums to go through this stage of negative thoughts?

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hey mummy to be 💛 your worry is valid. not just special needs, sometimes I worry my child will have some sort of medical condition or even as small as an allergy. we cannot choose the children we have. but we can choose how we want to love and raise them. I am a special needs educator, I've seen so many children thrive when their parents love them without looking at their children as merely "special needs". special needs / autism will only be diagnosed after 1year old. if we keep worrying, it will only make our motherhood journey very depressing.... if it happens, then the only thing we can do is ask ourselves "how can I love my child and provide the best support?" then decide from there what resources are available. Special needs is not the end of the world, I work with these kids and I know inside them, they are wonderful and loving. keeping you and your baby in my prayers, I hope for your delivery to be smooth and baby to be healthy. everything else, let love guide you. 💗

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Unfortunately u won't know till your kid is probably more than a year old. It takes lots of assessments for a proper diagnosis. I was constantly worried esp when my boy has a speech delay, it's one of the signs. I sought my PD's help but he wasn't concerned at all as he's advanced in his motor skills and didnt have problem with eye contact and socialising. I also went to KKH but they also said he doesn't have any signs of autism, the speech delay can be improved and I was lucky to have him gone through intervention early. Now at 2.5 years old he's starting to speak in sentences, still a lil behind some of his peers but he's catching up. Putting him in childcare helped to speed it up as for the first 1.5 years he was taken care of by my mom who usually gives in to his demands to watch TV. Don't think too much abt it and just monitor tt ur kid hits his milestones at every stage. Sometimes we parents are too worried tt it can somehow manifest on the kid so think positive!

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Edd sept 🙋🏼‍♀️ Not a single day goes by that i dont worry for my baby. For some reason i keep thinking of negative things that will happen to my child. I try to brush it off but once in a while i still fear those things will happen. But i scared if i think too much, itll really happen. Dont worry mummy, i feel you. But lets trust that our baby is doing fine and will grow perfectly well

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2y ago

Have same tots too. And felt really guilty why do I have negative tots. Need to constantly brush off too. Quite mentally tiring. Need to keep reminding ourself our baby is strong healthy and everything will be ok 👍

They say every single day u will worry about ur child. Since the day you know u are preg. My baby is 5 months soon even now I will worry. I dont know how to not worry but ya we have to tell ourself everything will be ok and no matter what we will be ok and get thru this. Think of happy things! See happy baby post!

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I’m 3mths pp and I still have that thought sometimes. Guess only time can chase away my worries.

Yes doesn’t help when family and relatives are insensitive abt their comments too