About abortion

Hi mommys, I like to ask about abortion in sg Anyone ever do abortion recently or maybe Ard last year? Because me and my partner had 'do the thing' then no protection, but he never put inside at all before and he doesn't believe without protection 80% high chance can get pregnant die die don't want believe me coz this one I asked doctor one when I pregnant my first child. Now I'm cfem pregnant again where I can keep because due to my financial is really damn low and my partner unable to work for temporary due to his medical issue he will be going for operations again which I dont know when because he have kidney stone last 2 years but didn't go for operations now he need to go because the stone too big blocking his appendix. So now I have no choice I have to endure with the heart pain go abort my 2nd child as I can't affort to support . Now I'm super stress as I don't want to stay in the hospital if possible to just eat 💊 and abort it. Any advice pls 😭😭anyway I'm no longer underage old enough to do things under own consent.

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Hey. Life is so precious. I would encourage you to approach Alife and speak to them. https://www.alife.org.sg/alma There is this aLife Mothers' Assistance (ALMA) which help alleviate hardships faced by new mothers from low-income families with young or 'special needs' children, to ensure that these children do not go without basic sustenance in their crucial growing years.

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1y ago

my current child I'm able to support just this in my tummy but haven't grow into fetus just a week or 2 only.