stretch marks

Hi mommies,what is your suggestion to prevent strecth mark ? Im afraid i might have it soon ? #17w6d

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unfortunately, we cant avoid it. it is depend on our skin elasticity. thats why some mommy didnt even have stretch marks even after few pregnancies. im afraid too when i was carrying my baby but it just happen. i do appy all type moisturisers from jelly petroleum, lotions, olive oil and even anti strecthmarks cream as well for everyday since my 6th weeks but still doesnt help. but, u can reduce it by keep applying the moisturises on ur tummy. and u should avoid to scratch your tummy if it turns out itchy. it might let the scar look scarier..

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6y ago

haha.. xpala.. tu hadiah kita😊😊

Orang cakap kena start sapu apa apa cream yang sesuai sebelum stretch marks tu ada . jangan tunggu dah ada baru sapu . sapu lah seawal yang boleh . sebab nanti tak sedar pun bila stretch marks tu dah ada , dia start ada dari area bawah perut yang mana ibu selalu tak perasan sebab area tu tak nampak sangat kalau perut dah besar

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saya sapu minyak zaitun syurah je since 5 month dkt perut peha dgn breast.smpi skrg ok.perut pn x gatal.xde garu2.yg krim tu texture die melekit sikit.kalau guna minyak zaitun ,peha nnt kalau jalan berlaga xde la gelap lame2.pastu masa mandi lepas sabun tu saya scrub sndri blend je bg halus skit beras tu

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Bila perut makin membesar kita akan selalu rasa gatal.. Jangan sesekali garu pakai kuku.. Hanya boleh sapu2 gitu je.. Sapu pun mesti alas kain.. Lepas tu rajin2 sapu vaseline body lotion kat perut.. Tu yg saya buat la.. Bersalin 3 anak takde stretch mark..

say goodbye to stretch marks with Mama's choice stretch mark cream. here's. shopee link:

i use cocoa butter lotion from PALMER'S Brand to prevent it.. ..its so work.. i also use that on my breast..

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2y ago

Ni guna sebelum atau selepas melahirkan ke?

Sy guna lambat. start 7 months. using earth mama belly oil. sangat elok. boleh hilang kan stretch mark yg baru 😊

Hi Mom..try sapu minyak kelapa dara every day.. insya allah xda tggal bekas nanti 👍

dulu sapu lotion before sleep xpun sekerap n rasa nk letak ke

jangan garu perut kalau rasa gatal .usap usap lembut je