33 weeks but baby still havent turn

Hi mommies, Im 33 weeks pregnant but my baby still havent turn. My gynae says just have to w8. But bcoz my baby is in breech position my maternity insurance application is rejected coz they are scared. 😭 Any tips on what should i do to have higher chance my baby turn before i gave birth. I dont want to go for CS 😭

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baby might turn at 36 37 weeks much to our surprise. for me I went for prenatal traditional massage. experienced midwife will be able to adjust slowly

My baby only turned at 36 weeks. Planned for natural birth but in the end still emergency c-sect.

Don’t worry momma, my baby turned only at Week 36! And popped at Week 37 1 :)

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Google breech exercise. But anyway you are still early.