First pregnancy

Hi mommies what’s the best cream or ingredients to reduce stretchmarks and sore nipple? Ive been using the palmer’s brand for 2 months but not really satisfied with the results. Any suggestions? #advice #firstmom #maternity

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Jgn garu je tips.. ada my family lngsg x garu/kacau dkt perut tu cantik no stretch marks.. whereas sy try mcm2 cream & aloe vera, sy ingt berjaya dh sbb smpai 30w xde stretch marks tp masuk 34w terus byk sgt stretch marks timbul..masa ni baby mmg besar mendadak so laju juga kluar stretch marks so sy mls dh nk fikir biar after bersalin lama2 hilang juga & rajin2 buat stretching (sy pilih buat plank) n pkai bekung.. kulit x la balik mcm sblm pregnant tp okla

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I've used Palmer Strech Mark lotion along with Aloe Vera for my belly. I've bern using it from 5 weeks of pregnancy until now 27weeks. My belly still free from stretch marks. There's time the belly will get itchy. Just put aloe vera if its itchy. Even doc and nurse keep telling me that my belly very clean. For sore nipple I'm not really sure because my nipple aint that sore unless i touch it. But I do put aloe vera for my breast as well.

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8mo ago

Hahahaha. I've been thinking that too. But my bump is really small. I still can wear jeans 😂 because my baby position is at the back a lil bit. People still shocked when i said im 27w pregnant because they see no bump 😂 My mom as well have no stretch mark due to small bump 😂

Its genetic, my mom ada 7 kids. but her belly very smooth like egg. If ur skin elastic, u don need to use any cream. but if your skin very thin n dry, no cream can help