Sleep Problems!

Hey mommies! Quick qs. 35 weeks pregnant currently!!When I sleep at times on the left or right both sides give me pressure or baby kicks a lot. I find relief laying on my back at times. Is it still dangerous? Difficult to sleep these days. 🥹

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I checked with my gynaec about the same. she said it does not matter. though sleeping on the left side is best you can take turns and sleep on the right and on back. esp for the back have little elevation that would help.

The nurse at my gynae clinic says that doesnt matter which side we lie or if we lie on our backs, whichever we are comfortable with. I prefer lying on my back as well...

I turn to the sides before I fall asleep but my body loves sleeping on its back lol. So I told my husband to roll me to the sides if he sees me on my back

yes i also find better sleeping on my back! but i try to sleep on my sides as far as possible. sometimes i will just roll to my back unconsciously 🤣

When I was that pregnant, I didn’t care anymore. But I made sure I turned to the left and right too after some time.

Honestly, i rather sleep longer so sometimes i would just sleep on my back. Baby still born healthy as ever!

I also slept on my back but I tried to elevate with pillows slightly so it’s not completely flat :)