32 Replies

Congrats on your pregnancy! I had cramps early on in my pregnancy too, and after experiencing 2 miscarriages prior to this, I learnt it's best to consult a gynae the moment you're pregnant. It could be due to a number of reasons, one of which is that you're low on progesterone. So best to ask your gynae to test your progesterone levels. Good luck!

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I had terrible menstrual cramps that kept me up at night. Was going to polyclinic to check for anything wrong and then found out i was pregnant lol. Went to gynae and was given duphaston (if my memory is right). I was still worrying if the cramps meant e pregnancy was unviable lol. Baby is out btw.

VIP Member

for me cramps are normal due to implantation and when ur hormones hcg still not stable during early stage,as long as no bleeding or discharges shld be ok, but is good to consult doctor and check ur hormones level.

Congrats! I’m at 4-5 week too! and I do have slight cramp on the left side. I want to schedule appointment maybe next week or the following week.

When can my gyne start to hear a heart beat.. I think I'm 4-5 weeks bt she says there is no heart beat? The scanner only shows a dot that doesn't move

Thank you dear... Now so relieved

cramps is normal, like legit very painful! however if there is spotting and blood u need to consult your gynae. anyway, congratsss! 🤗

VIP Member

yes, had bad cramps during my first few weeks and that's how i found out i was pregnant . gynae may prescribe meds for the cramps..

During my 4-5 weeks I did feel slight menstrual cramps and light spotting. But it was all due to implantation bleeding.

As long as there’s no bleeding should be ok. But I’d suggest to get checked just in case to have a peace of mind. Take care!

VIP Member

I rmb having some backaches but not really cramps per se. I would say that if u are concerned, book an appt with a gynae early!

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