Mine went to IFC at 4 months old. He adapts well. He enjoys going to school, but will look forward to going home when the time comes. Still very clingy to me. I guess, ultimately, depends on how much time u spend with her also? If ure always make an effort to spend time with her, I’m sure she will still be clingy.
I send my girl to ifc at 5.5mo & she’s 1yo now. She will not prefer the teacher to you. She can recognise who’s the parents. They will adapt to the surrounding & the people at the Ifc . Babies are highly adaptable than what you give them credit for . Usually is the mummy that will feel sad.
When she come home from ifc at 6pm, I usually will just bathe and feed her, and she slp alrd. Only when she’s older that I start giving her solids as dinner that we spend more time after sch. Weekend is all about her. And she’s still very sticky to me . Don’t worry!
Erfhina Zhang