Iron Supplement alternatives

Hi mommies, just want to enquire, what are the alternatives for iron supplement. I am currently 26wks+ and taking Obimin as a daily prenatal vitamin along with fish oil. My blood test result showed that my Hb is low (9.5) and Dr has prescribed iron supplement. I am not in favor of consuming alot of medications. Besides beetroot, spinach and redmeat, are there any other food that I can consume to boost my iron level? TIA :)

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Why are you against taking iron supplement? It is exactly the same as eating those food with high iron content, except you don't need to also consume the bad stuff that might come with it for instance liver is also high in cholesterol and saturated fat. And even if you eat a lot of liver and spinach everyday it won't be as much as an iron supplement which is formulated to meet the daily requirement.

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