My in-laws always bad mouth my parenting style...

Mom, I just need to vent a bit... Why does my mother-in-law always make hurtful comments about everything I do for my child? She always seems to belittle and... well, suggest strange things. For example, from the moment my child was born, I didn't want to swaddle them too tightly. She used to get angry and say I didn't love my child, that their legs would become crooked... When my baby was around 3 or 4 months old, she insisted on giving my baby honey on their lips because she said their lips were dry... I clearly didn't allow it and got angry at her. But she said I was a cruel daughter-in-law and mother, and she would tell other relatives that I'm old-fashioned and weird. Isn't she the old-fashioned one? Now that my child has started eating solid food... she always criticizes the meals I cook. If my child doesn't want to eat, she says, "Well, who would want to eat that, it looks disgusting." Oh, I can't take it anymore...

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To be honest.. let your husband know, and ask him to talk to her about it. I kinda did that, but think my hub still didnt intervene. One day it got so bad that I yelled at her n slammed the door, etc. My mil hasn’t criticise me much since then. Though things are slightly awkward now, I dont regret doing what I did, because it’s all to preserve my mental health and keep myself sane. Of course, my hub did explained to her afterwards on my behalf my breakdown (eg. Not sleeping much, have to keep waking every 3 to 4hrs to pump milk, etc.. and then have to keep hearing alot of negative things..), and I apologised later on for the break down too, crying and asking her if she could stop criticising so much as it’s making me very stressed and depressed.

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