i get angry to my child quickly

I want to admit my fault... I get angry with my child very quickly. It's so easy for me to yell at her. I always get annoyed when she has trouble eating or take a long time when we need to go somewhere. I find her very slow. I don't want her to become a spoiled child! Honestly, I'm confused about why I'm like this. Before I had my own child, I had nieces and nephews. I loved them so much, and I was even their favorite aunt. But for some reason, I can't feel the same way about my own child. I felt guilty for yelling at her yesterday when she hid something from me. It turned out she wanted to surprise me for my birthday. But I felt it was unnecessary. By the way, she is almost 4 years old now. Why am I like this...

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Can i say something? I get angry at my children too. But think of it this way. How does it feel when no one understands you, and all you needed was alil help and some love, and all you get is being yelled at. From someone you love and whom you thought should always be there for you and protect you. All you need to understand is that this is their learning stage and accept that not all children are the same. Some may need more time, some maybe have learning difficulties that we as parents, have to understand and learn how we can help them. Not to always pressuring them. It can cause trauma to that child that can last forever if we dont mend it asap. My kid just turned 4 too. I will always remind myself that my children didnt asked to be born. I am the one who always prayed to have them and so i it is my responsibility to care, love and protect with my best abilities. Yelling at them constantly can be seen as an abuse. Mentally. And we dont want them to suffer like that. Let her grow at her own pace. 🌻 she will shine if you let her. You can do this mummy!! 💪🏼

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I guess: You’re burnt out. The responsibilities of being a mom and an aunt are totally different. Now ure not only getting the fun side, ure also getting the tiresome side of child raising, 24/7. You have high expectations of your child/yourself. Maybe you don’t realise it. You need to learn some tricks/ways of communicating (especially giving instructions)/ children psychology to get them to work with you. I’m a teacher. I just wish to share that children love us no matter how harsh we treat them. Keep that in mind and the next time you’re about to lash out, take a deep breath before you do anything. The pause will help to regulate your emotions. And buffer more time for preparation when possible. Children don’t know/cannot understand the importance of our appointments, so I personally prefer to plan ahead and give myself a breather.

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My 4 yo eats slowly most of the time too. That's because he is busy talking to us or singing. Quite frustrating at times, but I try to stare at his face and find everything he does really cute. That calms me down a little. Sometimes he takes quite long to prepare for an outing too. It is quite normal for a kid that age. Just let them know the longer they take the shorter time they will be left to play or compete with them see who faster. My boy doesn't like to lose 😂. I have a 4 month old baby too so I try to chill as much as possible. And I'm that kinda mum that potty trained my boy before he joined the playgroup classes by 18 months. Haha. So try to relax before you start yelling, take a deep breath and look at your precious child's innocent face. Know that she loves you very much 😍

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me too :(





