My in-laws always bad mouth my parenting style...

Mom, I just need to vent a bit... Why does my mother-in-law always make hurtful comments about everything I do for my child? She always seems to belittle and... well, suggest strange things. For example, from the moment my child was born, I didn't want to swaddle them too tightly. She used to get angry and say I didn't love my child, that their legs would become crooked... When my baby was around 3 or 4 months old, she insisted on giving my baby honey on their lips because she said their lips were dry... I clearly didn't allow it and got angry at her. But she said I was a cruel daughter-in-law and mother, and she would tell other relatives that I'm old-fashioned and weird. Isn't she the old-fashioned one? Now that my child has started eating solid food... she always criticizes the meals I cook. If my child doesn't want to eat, she says, "Well, who would want to eat that, it looks disgusting." Oh, I can't take it anymore...

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Move out, or just start an argument with her. Honestly if its me i wouldnt care if our relationship turns sour. U deserve peace and she shld respect your parenting style. And, why arent your husband doing anything?

Consider to move out, it must have been stressful journey for you. Have you told your husband and ask him to talk to his mother instead.. and pls dont give baby honey before age of 1

2mo ago

no honey before aged 1yo as risk of botulism

oh man. perhaps you can point to your husband and remind your MIL her son is there, she can go put honey on his lips, you can take care of your own child.

I think let her son cook instead. So if your mil criticises the cooking, she's criticising her son 🙃

Consider moving out once you can.


