Hello mga momshies ask ko lang if mga babies nyo ngchange din yung feeding routine nila ng 3 months old. Ngchange kc baby q dati every 2 to 3 hrs mgfeed 3-4 oz. Ngayon 4 oz halos 4 to 5 hrs n. Thank u
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Eto nasearch ko online.. How Much Formula Is Enough? Age Amount per feeding Feeding frequency 2 months 4 ounces 6 to 7 feedings / 24 hours 4 months 4 to 6 ounces 5 feedings / 24 hours 6 months 6 to 8 ounces 5 feedings / 24 hours 1 year 8 ounces 2 to 3 feedings / 24 hours supple mented with baby food
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