Mga mommies ano kya mga trending na giveaways ang in ngaun..para sa 1st birthday?

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Promo terbesar expert care sudah dimulai, diskon hingga Rp.100.000 sedang berlangsung di shopee, ada juga voucher diskon 100% alias gratis bagi bunda yang beruntung. Buruan cek di (id-18045)

Nakikita ko ngayon ung mga small shirts na naka print ung face or name ng celebrant then naka hang sya sa small hanger din. It's also cute. Or stools din with characters para talagang useful sa mga kids.

Coloring book set with crayons. 😊 yung customized sa theme nya. Yun pnagawa ko for my baby boy's 1st bday. Mura naman cya. Search mo lang online😊

Trending...Indoor plants. Like succulents and cactus. I also see those parang lootbag na lunchbox with characters i think those are made of carton.

Yes I agree, cute na giveaway yung mga pillows. Okay din yung tumblr na may picture ng 1st birthday ni baby :)

Ang give aways namin nung first birthday ng baby ko is yung mga photobooth pictures na

Sis bottlecap keychains :)

Cute pillows, small chair