No matter how I treat/discipline my kid, whether I am strict or soft, I feel like I am always judged as a parent by my family and friends. What should I do to stop them from judging me?

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You have to realize that you cannot change anyone but yourself. You cannot change people's natures and hence, cannot stop people from judging you. Maybe you can tell your family and friends that you really are doing everything you could and a few words of encouragement from them would only help you. You can also tell them that you feel judged by their remarks and would appreciate if instead of commenting, they can also constructively help in disciplining your kid. After all, it takes a village to raise a kid. If you can't have a word with your folks, it is best to try and not let their remarks bother you. It would be difficult at first, but if you learn to not get upset by their comments, you will go a long way in parenting and life in general. After all, you are genuinely putting in a lot of effort and trying your best. Good luck!

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