Nervous going back to work
My maternity leave is ending and I'm going back to work in Jun. Feeling nervous now that I'm attached to my LO. My mum will be taking care of LO once I start working. Any mum can share their experience and how to cope with the anxiety? I think I'm more attached to my LO than my LO is to me..

It is definitely not easy to leave the LO to go back to work. Try easing your way before starting work - leaving your LO with grandparents/helper for 1-2 hours and you go out on your own. And slowly build that up until both of you are ready to be apart from each other while you’re at work
It's never easy to be apart from your LO and go to work from the start. But you need to slowly let go of the attachment to your LO. Tell yourself that you will need to put in more effort during work so that you can go home on time and spend more time with your LO.
Dear mum, This kind of anxiety is very normal, when you resume work post delivery. Rest assured that your LO is with your family, loved ones and they will do everything to take care of him. Just calm yourself down, go out there and always be positive :)
It is always a major life event when mommies go back to the work force. This is a natural phenomena. It will start to get better after sometime.
Don’t worry, your lo will be well looked after by his grandmother 😊.