Woah that's a first. I suggest you go to a different doctor for a second opinion. Doctors should have already prescribed medication for the viral fever and if symptoms persist, you should be going back to the doctor for help(which you did the right thing!!) I don't know of any home remedies that can actually trump a doctor's medication, but keep your lo hydrated and watch out for phlegm. Does your kid have any phlegm when he coughs? IMO, you should be going the doctor(another one) unless your first doctor can tell you that your lo is allergic to the medication! Can you elaborate further on the coughing situation as well? how bad is it? is it a dry cough?
You might want to get a 2nd opinion from a different PD. My child was given meds eventho he isnt 2 yet for coughs/flu etc. Prolonged coughs can lead to more serious conditions so you might want to get to get it treated.
My LO 21 months n was prescribed wif zyrtec for cough. She oso had viral fever and became cough n phlegm n runny nose. If u went polyclinic, they wun give u anything for cough. I went to a pd after tat. Pd gave zyrtec.
Do not self medicate. Trust the doctor but if in doubt go for second opinion from another doctor. We are not medical experts.
hmm, my kid was prescribed cough medication even before he turn 1. dosage is small. I think u should see a diff PD.
Dear Mum, I would suggest take second opinion about this
seek different opinion!