Hi, my LO now is 9m+
He s fully breastfed on EBM. for the past 5days his stool is green - i've googled it says due to oversupply milk which maybe am.
I latch him only on sleeping time and led him to comfort feeding and maybe he drank too much of foremilk that cause the stool to be green.
I ve since reduced it and bottlefed him instead, but nothing changed..
Any mummies experience this and gone to PD?
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My friend who had an oversupply issue suggested that when you pump, fully empty one breast (often, it required more than one bottle for her) and mixing the milk thoroughly before feeding to her baby.
9y ago
Thanks for the reply.. Will try out!
Usually if it's green it could be due to too much iron. I would pump out the milk and mix everything together and feed from bottle. Then see if the stools change and stabilize.