My LO's nanny actually places 蚊香 and diffuse lemongrass EO in the house for this Zika period, anyone could tell me if it is suitable for my 5.5mths old LO to sniff it everyday just like that? As there is a bedridden elderly and my LO in the house, so they are kind of kiasu in putting one 蚊香 each in each room and living room. My LO is currently staying there overnight.

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It is best not to use coils or plug-in mosquito repellents around your baby. Coils and plug-in mosquito repellents contain chemicals which are not safe to be inhaled. Studies have shown that the smoke and fumes from them aggravate or cause breathing problems. They can also cause eye irritations or allergic reactions.

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8y ago

suddenly today i realised he has water around his nose edges, seems like slight flu to me. is it caused by that?

Despite there being FDA-approved brands of mosquito coils, there is that fact that a baby’s respiratory system is still adjusting to this new environment and is considered fragile as it is still developing. Exposing them to chemicals and pollution should be avoided as much as possible.

8y ago

suddenly today i realised he has water around his nose edges, seems like slight flu to me. is it caused by that?

I read somewhere that the coil smoke is like breathing in 20 times of 2nd hand smoke. So I would advise not to use it at all. Lemongrass is natural so it's ok. I leave some lemongrass near where my LO sleeps in the afternoon.

8y ago

Yes, coil smoke is worse than 2nd hand smoke and the smoke left behind will cause 3rd hand smoke if using it for Long term which is very bad for our children. I place fresh lemongrass at area my children are playing and sleeping instead.

How should i reject them in using that in a nice way? because they still have an elderly at home so i cannot totally reject them from using just because of my LO is staying there.

8y ago

where can i get articles ?

Use this instead of comercial made. This is lime and clove. Under this is slice fresh lemongrass. Put this in the room. Keep the mosquitoes and bugs away

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8y ago

but if his nanny does not want to use i cant do anything too

I think better to use mosquito trap. Buy one and place at their place?

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You can try using citronella oil on baby either apply or spray

8y ago

the issue is his nanny family is using it not me.

lemongrass EO sprayed around house is ok