Bad rash or eczema?

My LO has very bad rash on her face and wrists. It’s dry, bumpy and scaly. She is drooling a lot too. I tried applying barrier cream, clean with boiled water and moisturise every 2 hour. Seen a doc but I don’t know if it is eczema or drool rash or what? She has just started on solids too. Everyone who sees her will react negatively and ask me to do this and that. I have tried to do everything. What more can I do? I also want her to get well but I am at my wits’ end.

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Try to observe few more days. Like wipe her clean every 1 to 2 hrs. Keep her cool, like fan her or on aircon. If it improves then likely heat rash. Or wipe her after every feed, see if its milk or drool causing it. Cos PD will need more details before diagnosing and prescribing medication for your LO.

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Best to bring your lo to the pediatrician...Not normal gp. Hope she gets better soon!

Hi, Best would be to take your daughter to PD and get it checked


Apply moisturiser follow by ceradan it will helps


Can apply bm!