My lo has been taking oatmeal cereal well for the past 2 months however recently i find her gagging after a few mouthfuls and refused to eat further. What could be the reason? She's 10 month old

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i think your baby is developing her taste and is now bored of the same food for so long. if you want to continue, maybe you can give it every alternate day or at some interval. add some variation to it by mixing fruits, nuts and so on.

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I think she is sick of the food already. 10mo she can eat porridge and explore many other tastes already. If they gag it is quite confirmed you need to add more varieties to their food

Based on what I noticed, they will have changes in their taste. Maybe you want to try introducing other food.

U can add some Fruits for her cereal. My LO loves it when I add kiwi, banana , avocado etc