Not pooping after starting solids

I have just started my 5months old on solids. Gerber’s oatmeal cereal and she hasn’t poop for 3 days. She is on full bm and solids is a snack for her. Past few days she could finish 2-3tbsp but isn’t pooping now. Prior to solids she pooping at least once a day. Is it normal?

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Yes, it's totally normal for your baby to have some changes in their poop after starting solids. When you introduce solid foods, especially iron-fortified cereals like the oatmeal, it can cause some changes in their bowel movements. Sometimes, babies can become a bit constipated when they start solids because their digestive systems are still getting used to processing these new foods. To help your baby poop more regularly, you can try giving her some water in a sippy cup or a small amount of pureed fruits like prunes, pears, or peaches. These fruits can help soften the stools and make it easier for your baby to pass them. You can also try gently massaging your baby's tummy in a clockwise motion to help move things along. Remember, breast milk or formula should still be the main source of nutrition for your baby at this age, so continue offering plenty of milk feeds throughout the day. And don't worry too much if your baby doesn't poop every day now that she's started solids. As long as she's not showing signs of discomfort or pain, it's likely just a temporary adjustment for her little tummy. If you're concerned, it's always a good idea to check in with your pediatrician just to be sure everything is okay. Hope this helps!

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Same here! Has your baby pooped? Mine hasn’t for 2 days..

11mo ago

Gave her some Gerber purée and she pooped 4 days worth of poop an hr ltr 😂



