Fingernails issue

My lo one has 2 fingernails that appeared rough and dented in. It's not caused by knocks or injury and I'm unsure why it's grown that way. I'm worried and will be bringing her to doc to check soon. Any mummies know what is the possible cause or lo with nails like that too ? ?

Fingernails issue
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It looks quite bad, my advice would be to bring you kid to a doctor. It could be a fungal infection?

VIP Member

Seems like some infection or lack of some supplements🤔 Do bring her to e pd soon.


This is looking like fungi. A bad case of fungi infection. Best to go see a doctor.

that might be fungi and it might be hereditary. consult your doctor pls

Just saw this post and I hope you have your answer by now. Is it a fungal infection?

4y ago


Looks like fungal infection, pls check with pd

Maybe some deficiency. Please check with PD.

VIP Member

Check with his paediatrician