3 Replies

Buy play gym with hanging toys that can grab! My 3m love it! Can let them play theirown. Also they will learn to coordinate their hands and learn to grab things and hold on to it. I also alot of times dont know what else to do with baby during their wake period. So most of the time i just do TT & the playgym for now

Ooh sounds good. I'll try that!

Can do house tour 🤣 I did that a lot. Can take a walk at the corridor or void deck for fresh air. Can play nursery rhymes and sing/dance along. Can show family photos to baby.

Yeah. I would walk and show her around, like the curator in a museum 🤣 Then I will also tell her how’s my day and ask about hers hahahaha. Mini bff!


hanging toys & listening to stories/songs?

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