Baby Crying Non stop from 10pm to 4am

My little one is currently 6 weeks old. She has been crying non stop from 10pm to 4am. It started gradually from 10pm to 1am at week 5 and worsen to 10pm to 4am at week 6. Just went to KKH 2 days ago and they prescribed ridwind. However, it doesn’t seem to help at all. I try feeding her small quantity but I noticed that she always cry after each feed. Really at a loss right now. Anyone out there has similar condition? Any other remedy?

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Sounds like colic. try applying oil and massage her tummy and back after diaper change. Try to burp after every feed. Do some tummy time. Probably might want to do some cycling motion on her leg when she is awake(watch on youtube for the exercise) If u are bottle feeding probably u might want to change it, i have people recommending hegen or pigeon. U can try one at time. See which one works for the baby. If not i would suggest u to visit a PD.

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