My little one (1 month old) often fuss when I try to change her diaper, be it when she's sleeping, before her feeds or halfway through her feeds. She usually falls asleep after her feeds. If her diaper is only slightly wet, can I wait for a few more hours before I change her? Or can I apply thicker bottom balm so as to prevent diaper rash from forming during to the irregular change of diapers? Because of her fussiness, I can only change a maximum of 5 diapers for her a day. Thanks!

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I routinely change his diapers b4 or after every feed when i took care of him myself when he was 1 to 2 months.. was solo parenting in the day (no help whatsoever). But that that age he was pooping and peeing like mad lol And yup quite commonly he was fussing through some diaper change