10 Replies

Fell sick with the flu at about 19 weeks pregnant. Had cough, runny nose, sore throat and fever. Went to GP and they prescribed me piriton, difflam gargle and panadol. My fever was on and off so had to take Panadol when I had high fever. One of the night I woke up shivering with high temp. Went to KK at 2am. They monitored me, gave me IV drip. At 6am fever was still above 38 and they said my heart rate was elevated. So got admitted for monitoring. My fever kept coming on and off for next 2 days. 3rd day discharged with no fever but still having cough. I lost my voice on the first day at the hospital and had a raspy voice for over a week! Honestly, it was my worst common flu experience ever! Being pregnant was super worrying but baby thankfully was fine. Was Covid negative and whatever infection negative. They just said it’s the common flu. I’d say it took me 2 and half weeks to fully recover since first symptom. My advice, see doctor. Best to go to your gynae as they know the pregnancy safe medication. I was getting mixed info as my GP said I cannot have lozenges but at KK they said can. Also, yes limiting your medication is best, so take when really required. Other than that try eating healthy and drinking lots of water to bring back the immunity! Body will fight the virus!

oh man, falling sick while being pregnant is the worst for me. my flu was so terrible that i couldnt breathe at all for like 2-3 weeks. and my chesty cough lasted for almost a month after the flu. and honestly any meds doc gave me doesnt work. i let it recover by itself. but for flu i inhale the hot steam let it flow thru my nose though it relieves my nose only for 5 mins. anw hope urs will go away by itself asap. it can be pretty annoying but wht to do 😭

I fall sick when I am week 11/12 bad coughing, then come phlegm, almost 2 weeks still slightly coughing, i only took polyclinic medicine lozenges and 2 times of cough syrup and after that no recover went to see gyna for medicine and recover but i didnt want to take a lot of medicine too. till date slightly better but still cough wif phlegm. didn't took flu vaccine maybe will consider in future

I had the whole package. Cough is still here to stay but can be quite chesty and phlegmy. I'm still dealing with blocked nose with heavy mucus and sometimes runny nose. I've never been this sick. Used to take less than a week to recover, but it's been about a month and it's really annoying. 😢

I had blocked nose almost everyday since week 14..and bad cough at week 18, even lost my voice.. lol.. but now I'm 20weeks it seems to have eased a little. took awhile to recover coz I didn't take any medication for it... only natural home remedy... but I have trouble sleeping now🤣

I had H1N1 when I was trimester 2 and was admitted to hospital .. in trimester 3 I had bacteria infection and was also admitted to hospital .. both took 5-6 days to recover …

I had cough for 2 months. Didnt take any medicine so it took time to get rid of cough. Didnt you get flu vaccines yet? I got mine from kkh at very beginning of pregnancy

hi. i'm having flu now and only 5week. too scared to drink any meds. goin too see doctor on monday coz everytime sneeze stomach so pain🫠.

It takes very long to recover as compared to pre pregnancy. Cant take any meds that I used to at all. All doesnt work. Can go try tcm!

I took me 3 weeks to recover and fall sick all over again.

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