5 Replies

Hi Rekha, I know at times things become difficult and testing times never seem to end. But as they say there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, so do not be dejected. Try to be positive and calm your mind. All will fall in place with time. Whatever time you are able to get, enjoy that time with your child. I can understand the physical limits too as you must be tired and taxed after your work but I think during the time that you travel, try to take a power nap, so that you are not that exhausted when you are back home. During your travel time, you can kind of meditate with your eyes closed and if nothing else, calm your mind. Utilise your travel time and re-energise yourself. I know its easy for me to write all this, but I am sure you will be able to do this with practise. Because you anyway would be killing your travel time by either looking here and there or talking to someone, or sitting all through the way. So, you can use this time to your benefit. And keep the faith, all will be fine with you soon.

Hi Dear Rekha, I feel for you. I can understand that after such a hectic day, you get tired and with kids one needs energy. Do not feel guilty. In fact if your child is 5 or 6, then you can perhaps share your the details of your day and ask about hers. This way she will understand that you have a tired day and you know kids have such positive and healing vibes that their innocent eyes and warmth can make everything look fine. So, I think have conversations with her when you have time and make her part of what is going on in your life. When she will know what is happening with you, she will understand when you are tired or low. By this I do not mean that share all with her or share the sad part of the day, I mean just share perhaps how you ran to catch the bus, or how you missed your train though you wanted to catch it at any cost to reach faster to her.

dear rekha, i am afraid life will never give you time for yourself and your baby, but you yourself will have to snatch it. make the most of what you have dear. find out those pockets of free time and use it in the best way you can by spending time with your little one. also, make time for yourself, else your frustration will come out on your baby. since you reach home late, why not sleep by hugging your little one? trust me, this is what you will have to do.

i doubt you will ever find that time you are looking for, unless you make it for yourself. use the little time you have on weekdays by sleeping with your little one or eating together. use weekends to spend quality time together and relax, and also use the time for some 'me' time that can help you relax.

try to b calm..n manage ur tym..baby needs tym m caring..no one else can take care of baby..as d mom can do..so giv tym to ur baby..

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