Does your 3mo sleep in aircon?
Lets see what is norm!
Used to! But now fan only because im abit sensitive to aircon. Dry skin is irritating the hell out of me every night! 🙁
Yes i did let both kids sleep in aircon at that age. They actually sleep better coz they sweat less.
Mostly in fan ecept when the weather is hot and still I do not keep temperature very low.
Yes, but we won't on it throughout the night. Will switch it off after 3-4hrs later.
Yes. From new born. Even at the living room there’s aircon😅
Nope. Fan all the way. Great source of white noise too ☺️
Yes. Since born my baby sleep in air con till now 19 months.
Yes. 26 degrees. If after nap is cooling will on fan only.
Yes! But nap times during the day is under the fan! Hehe
During the day. Baby wear AIRism mesh cos use fan only