Baby Bump
Hi ladies! Im a first time mom & im currently 35weeks pregnant. I feel very insecure bcs my baby bump is super big & im carrying a boy. I hate tht i cant hide the size of my bump with huge/baggy shirts bcs everywhr i go, ppl will hv a weird look on their face when they see my bump. some strangers wld be so nosy & kpo by asking me if i were carrying twins. i ended up feeling so sad abt it. I know i shldnt care abt what ppl think but i just feel so insecure. I do love my bump i rly do but i hate it when ppl stares ):

Your pregnant bump depends on your body type/size. I've been there when I was pregnant with my son. Many people thought I was carrying twins. I was also heavy although I only gained 1kg. My son came out healthy, chubby and he's a happy baby! Currently pregnant again and I'm almost 18 wks but my bump is like that of a 24 weeks belly. I love my bump and I don't care what others think. As long as you're healthy, your baby is healthy, just shut them off. No need to feel sad for people who are not even important. Stay strong, mama! Embrace your beautiful bump!
Read moreI'm on the opposite end, my bump was quite small and not very noticeable all the way until I gave birth 😓. I've always admired ladies with big bumps, I think they look really amazing. Nosy people will be nosy regardless, bump too big or too small or average they will also find a reason to talk talk haha... So don't mind those people 🤗
Read moreIt’s fine , you don’t have to be insecure about it . Atleast someone noticed you . As it for me , i have a small body and my bump is growing but whenever i took public transport, they don’t even bother to let me have the sit . I have to stand and wait for the available sit .
Don’t be!! I’m sure u look great! All mothers look great. :) I’m 35 wks also and my bump is Normal sized I guess. And everyone still stares at me like I have 2 heads when I’m out. -.- ppl jus kaypoh only lor.
Nah, it's good to have the bump so you will have all the priorities. Sort of miss the days when I have the privilege. Enjoy the process and be proud of it.
Every mum is beautiful and unique. Dont get affected by strangers comment! So long as you and baby are healthy, just stay positive and happy!
Hi, Please do not take all the observations and looks of strangers at heart. You are beautiful and going to be a wonderful mum :)
Hi, your beautifull. Dont worry. Beucause now you are pregnant so you feel sensitiv. Its ok, every mum is beautifull 😘