How to induce miscarriage

Hi ladies I have just been diagnose with a blighted ovum how to naturally flush out the sac? I rather let it come out naturally compared to taking meds any advice?

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Hi wj wj, I recently diagnosed this as well. Went for 2nd opinion and is confirm. As doc mentioned I close to 10 weeks suggest I go D&C, at least can be done thoroughly. Did u go for any doc advise?

It may take days or weeks for it to come out naturally. I bled for 2 whole weeks. A day before my supposed D&C, I had contractions and my sac came out naturally w/o out taking any meds also.

4y ago

How far along were you

My doc advise me to take pills but I wanna do it naturally. But doc also got say if the flush not clean will have to do surgery. So I am unsure to let it go natural go for pill or what

4y ago

Wa doc advise me not to go for d n c tho he say use it as the last resort