Labor progression has started for me.. however its slow. I'm only 1 ½ cm open yesterday (27th Aug'20) @ 39weeks. So gynae suggested to induce the labor somewhere in between my 39 and 40 weeks and kick start it on Monday (31st Aug'20) But I'm soooo scared as I heard its very painful! Mommies, Pls share your thoughts, advise and experiences with me so I can prep myself.

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Induction itself is not painful. They’ll insert a little tablet into your vagina to soften the cervix. When you progress into labour and have contractions, then the pain comes in. But that’s the same for everyone whether labour comes on spontaneously or it’s induced. Don’t worry, you’ll be in the hospital, so you can ask for pain relief (eg. Laughing gas, epidural) when you need it. Take care:)

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Do a lot of squats to help with the opening of your cervix. I did squats, a lot of walks and climbed stairs when I was in my full term pregnancy. I was already 3-4cm when I went to the labour room. Good luck! ☺️

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Yeap best not to induce. Doing squats and walking alot usually helps.