What do you think is the ideal age gap for kids?
What do you think is the ideal age gap for kids?
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1 year
1-2 years
2-3 years

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Anywhere between 2 and 3 is ideal but 1 and 3 is also good as it gives time for a mum’s body to recover and time for the baby to grow up with undivided attention.

VIP Member

Sabi nila 3-5 years lang pwede na pero yung bagets ko 7 years bago nasundan. Hehe! Ngayon talagang kuyang kuya na sya sa baby girl namin.

ask ko lang po ano po kaya pwede ilagay sa ulo ng baby ko kase po my butlig sya na maliit now ko lang napansin himahawi ko po kase ulo nya

2 to 3 years. okay din ang 5 years since 5 years age gap namin ng mga kapatid ko 😊

pero ako 10 years gap ng panganay ko at bunso kaya di magkasundo sa hilig...

How can I do because my baby can’t eat food good

Jarak anak pertama dgn anak kedua (coming soon) ni 6 tahun

Not too far. Can recycle all the cloths and stuff

VIP Member

But mine was 14 years apart. Lol