Do pregnant women have the right to request to WFH?

I've been thinking if I should ask my boss if there's any possibility of letting me WFH 100% at least during my 1st trimester. However, my concern is that if I was allowed to WFH 100%, other colleagues will start asking. But I don't intend to let them know about my pregnancy until the 2nd trimester. Also, colleagues might find it unfair if I get to WFH 100% but they don't. Am I thinking too much when I should be thinking for myself too? Do we have the right to make such request?

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I asked my gyane to write a memo for me to WFH until delivery because the commute is quite long and I want to avoid risk of covid. He happily wrote it for me and my boss accepted!

3y ago

my gyne wrote but only 10days. i asked for gyne write till my 13th boss dont seems happy when i request wfh due to covid still ard and i dont wan get 2nd time