Blood accompanied with contractions 2cm dilated
Hi, I’ve been to the hospital because I was bleeding, the bloody show the call it. I was having mild cramps but irregular. However it wasn’t too intense that I cannot handle I was just worried about baby as each time contractions starts baby move lesser (which I think it’s normal as well?) have any of you experienced this? I am only 2cm dilated do I decided to go home. How long after this do u normally deliver?

my gynae wouldn't let me go home at 3cm dilation. took 8 hours to dilate from 3 to 10cm n deliver for 1st bb at 38.5 weeks. gynae burst waterbag to expedite labour. 2nd labour was at 35 weeks 2 days also 3cm dilated with bloody show. was in labour ward for 2 nights to stop contraction and dilation so that the nurse can administer steroid to strengthen bb lungs. but decided to off drip after 2 days as my contraction kept returning. with no chance of pushing to week 37, we delivered at 35.5 weeks in less than 5 hours labour. both times I dont feel contraction, only bloody show.
Read moreI had the same experience in 31st August 2020, morning i felt cramps (contraction) I didn't know as it was bearable so I went back to bed till 12pm I woke up to pee i saw fresh blood then i showered and head to my gynae's clinic she told me I am 3cm dilated I can choose to go home and admit the next day morning or not immediately. I choose to go home but along the way I had contractions i ignored it till about near 11pm I can't take it as it went worse thats when I admitted so the next day morning 8am gynae came in and told me baby ready to come out so 8.18am my boy is out.
Read moreMay take some time probably days or weeks to dilate more depending on individuals. I had a bloody show with my 1st when I was out camping. Felt the contractions but it wasn't too intense but I could not sit or lie down and I had diarrhea before that. Then when I reached KKH I was already 3cm dilated and so they kept me, burst my waterbag and I gave birth 6 hrs later. Walk more. Do squats. These 2 exercises really helps you to dilate especially now that you're already 2cm dilated.
Read moreless then 24 hours ... doc sweep n stretch about 2-3 pm full mucus plug dropped 9pm intense contraction start at 11pm went to hosp 7am already 5-6 cm deliver at 10am gave birth next day morning .
Read moreI had full blown contractions less den 24hrs after the mucus plug dropped.. when i reached hosp i was abt 4cm.. u shud time your contractions!