New born baby
Isit normal for the new born baby crying? I'm first mum here. Need advice pls 😭

Ok from my experience having a baby girl who cries a lot during her first few weeks.. Never skip the burping part. This is very very important. Mine took 20mins to burp. Sometimes didn’t even burp. And that caused a lot of gas in her. Once baby hiccups, they won’t be able to burp already. So just keep her upright at least 20-30mins after feeding. Give her some tummy time on your lap and gently massage her back cause all the lying down may be tiring for her. Give her tummy massages too cause sometimes baby can get gassy. For diaper change, I always have a bottle of watering can for plants ($1 on Shopee) before I wipe her down. Wash, wipe, wash wipe. Make sure you clean the area properly because girls can get infection easily. Apply diaper rash on baby’s bum if there’s redness. Wet wipes can try Infanity, Jeju, Pigeon. For feeding, you may want to follow her cues instead of a strict schedule because like us, babies sometimes eat more, sometimes eat less. Watch out for when baby has projectile vomiting, means you’re either feeding her too much or her formula milk (if any) doesn’t suit her. Watch out for your diet too, it will discrete into your breastmilk. NEVER give her water below 6 months of age. Her kidneys are not fully matured yet. She’ll also experience growth spurts. Common times for growth spurts are during the first few days at home and around 7-10 days, 2-3 weeks, 4-6 weeks, 3 months, 4 months, 6 months and 9 months (more or less). But every babies are different so just keep in mind if she’s behaving differently than any other normal days. She may also develop red spots on her face in her first month, normally they are heat rash (can be treated with milk bath or cool boiled water) but if there’s blood or pus, see a doc. If you can breastfeed, do it exclusively. Latch on demand. Pump every 2-3hrs. Keep a stash of 30, 60, 90, 120ml storage bags or if you’re using storage bottles, for when you go back to work or baby is sick. Your nipples may crack with the constant latching and pumping so do apply nipple cream. Swaddle your baby as long as possible, dress her lightly underneath her swaddle. She won’t need a pillow to sleep on. Babies can sleep in air con room and fan too as long as it is not blowing directly towards them. If you see her crying or fussing before bedtime, maybe she could be hungry. Latch or feed her a small amount. Massage her tummy, could be gas. Find out why she’s uncomfortable. Practice light is day, dark is night with her so she can differentiate them for her sleep cycles. Clean her ears and nose gently using a cotton bud after every shower as sometimes they’re dirty. But don’t need to go so in. Just a gentle swipe outside is also fine. Gently wipe and make sure you dry her umbilical cord stump after every shower too. Take note of any bleeding or pus. It will usually drop off after 1 week. For some, they will bury baby’s umbilical cord stump with the placenta. Discuss with your partner what you want to do with it. Look out for baby’s poop colour and consistency. Now should be yellowish-mustard and shouldn’t be harder than peanut butter texture. Shouldn’t be watery either. You might also see darker shades but anything black (after her meconium has passed), grey, white or red is a bad sign and send her to hospital immediately. Hope the above helps!! I may have missed out on some but these are all that I can remember for now. Good luck!
Read moreYes, my baby cry almost every night. I was depressed😢 her tummy was very gassy. So I tried using probiotic (biogaia probiotic drop) which u can get from unity pharmacy and it really lessen the cry by a lot. Take care❤️
Of course it’s normal. However, you do need to take note of your baby crying. Meaning they cry might be cause they are uncomfortable, or they are hungry, etc.
they will definitely cry that's how they communicate with you take note of the cries and through the month you will know what each cry means
yes normal, it is their way of communicating, if crying they need to feed, if full they won't cry or they need u to carry them
yes esp at night. watch out for gassy stomach problem. burp them whenever needed and after feeding.