isit normal to feel heartburn like most of the time when pregnant?

Yes, very much normal. I started getting towards the end of 2nd trimester and Doctor told it'll continue in 3rd trimester too as uterus is growing & pressing against stomach. I was given Gaviscon to ease out the discomfort. Other option is to keep some snacks handy to have before sleep or early in the morning when you feel it. Hope that helps.
Read moreI've been having frequent heartburn since the end of my 1st trimester till now (14 weeks). I try to avoid eating too much and sit up for abt an hour after eating. If I feel the heartburn's coming, I try to relax myself and breathe. Only if it really hurts that I consume gaviscon.
Yes it's common, if it's unbearable you can take antacid and remember to sit up straight for at least 30 min after meals. My Dr says it means baby will have a lot of hair so it's a good thing haha
Yes, especially towards the end of the pregnancy. Good to eat less but more times. Also, drink more liquids and sit upright after a meal for 20-30minuted. Will help a lot.
Yes during the last few weeks especially. Try not to overeat, and don't eat too near bed time!
Yes, can ask your Dr for antacid or buy gaviscon if small meals still makes you feel like that
Yes. It's due to hormones changes. Try to eat every meal in small portion only.
Its normal i guess.. As i dont eat spicy stuff also get heartburn alsoo..
Yes common. Lemon help me! I drank 1-2 table spoon of lemon juice
Yes... I had it quite often especially for 1st n 3rd trimester
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