3 Replies

Super Mum

Sounds OK to me as babies are like adults.. All our appetite are different, some eat more some eat less.. Agree that your baby has smaller stomach so he is drinking lesser but more frequently.

Glad to hear that! Appreciate it :)

VIP Member

Hi... you should be feeding your LO solids from 6 months. Are you alternating between solids and milk?

He is already eating solids since he was 6months but my concern is that he’s intake has been 120ml since 6months. While i did asked my friends if their lo’s have such little intake despite eating solids too. Their lo is drinking like 180-210ml. Just afraid that im not giving enough for the milk part

VIP Member

Sounds on to me coz your baby is also eating solids at this age(:

Glad to hear that! Thank you mummy.

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